Microblogging Fashion

After the world wind of the month that is fashion week in varied fashion capitols, I am simply over indulged with information. Is there too much information on fashion week. I watched a live fashion show of Isaac Mizrahi. Surprising after all of the hype how fast it begins and ends. The information is immediate. I read somewhere that some designers feel that fashion shows should be for industry and press. Their job is to go out and spread the word and for retailers to buy for their customers. What we are seeing now are celebrities in the front row in seats past taken by industry. The onset of bloggers getting premium seats has really become a big issue.

Immediate blow by blow information was made available by social media micro blogs such as Twitter. Major media such as the New York Magazine’s, Cutblog, used Twitter extensively, as well their internet blogs.  Style.com, the online home of Vogue, has an I Phone app I must admit is too much fun.  I followed Cutblog, Mizrahi and DKNYPR via Twitter. It was quite fun stuff. Go to Fashionably Marketing. Me for a very extensive article about the social media component in fashion week.  Twitter Counter will give you real time graphs of the amount of communication that went on! It is the nerd in me that loves this. These articles are complete with pie and bar charts.

One response to “Microblogging Fashion

  1. Thanks for including FMM in your links, great recap!


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